Today is January 8... 2011!
Oh dear, does time fly by or what? I can't believe it's already the EIGTH day of this new year. I have to say though, this year is starting off with a BANG! I got back from winter retreat today... and it was AWESOME. Retreats always are. It was so great being surrounded by everyone I love. God. My friends... who are basically my family :)
So, this year's message was on the "Joy in Suffering." To be honest, I don't feel like I connected with

the message as whole-heartedly as I wanted to. But I think that may be because I've strayed away for awhile. However, I did learn a lot of new other things. Particularly, during small group. Now, I know, I need to work on my relationship with God more. Start doing QTs, reading the Bible more. I really don't want to get distracted. I'm gonna try my best to make an intimiate relationship with God

. Oh, and as big big pluses. I think I finally came to closure with.. you-know-who... and my questions dealing with God. In reference to the latter, Roger said something that really hit me. Just like being thirsty leads to the point that there is water. The idea that we are searching for purpose may lead to the point that there is one. (I want to tell Audry that.)
Anyways. Hmm what else? Well, I didn't meet as many new people this

year. Probably cause we had to spend so much time with our small groups. But, I met a lot of the Freshman girls~ like Joy and Steffie. I want to try to spend more time with them. I always wanted like that older sister figure growing up... and I guess that's what I can be for them. Hm, I also met Patricia this year. She's a beautiful girl. And I met Joey and Sammy. OHMYGOSH. That reminds me. I saw the stars again :)
The stars. New paragraph. I really don't know what it is about them... bu

t seeing them just made me so happy. I guess it reminded me of last year. But I don't know. Looking up, and seeing the vastness of the universe, just inspired me? It was just awe-striking too to see those glimpses of light shinin

g through the dark. That night was pretty fun. It was me, Valerie, Rebecca, Joey and Sammy huddled together in a circle talking about the most random stuff. HAHA. Like seriously, I loved that conversation. Valerie is so funny and Sammy is so gullible! Bwahaha.
I just love this. All of this. I love how God's love can bring so many different kinds of people together. And honestly, after I came back, as Jessie said, I felt like I didn't care anymore about those earthly things.
and when i’m scrolling down my tumblr dashboard and absorbing all the pictures
of red heels and fashions and rainbow nail polish and lashes and glorious,
glorious cities and pink hair straighteners and Starbucks cups, of romance
scenes and laced fingers and couples on ferris wheels, of new phones and pretty
mac books, i suddenly realize… that i don’t care anymore.
But still, I'm gonna have my work cut out for me. This is so bad and I really don't know want to say this. But... one confession: I thought somebody was really cute at winter retreat. ARGH. Emenenenene. Blehk. Hopefully, God will keep my eyes focused.
Oh and one more thing again, I really loved my small group this year. I felt like we all became really close!
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